How to detect a leak in a swimming pool ?

A swimming pool, a symbol of luxury and family leisure, offers priceless moments of relaxation. However, a leak in this facility can quickly alter this experience, causing concerns. Indeed, apart from the risk of increased expenses related to maintenance and water treatment, an untreated leak can compromise the structural integrity of the pool in the long term. In this publication, we will carefully examine the characteristic indicators of a leak in a swimming pool, as well as effective methods for its detection. Understanding these aspects is essential to preserve the integrity and enjoyment associated with owning a swimming pool.

Signs of a leak in your pool

Before delving into detection methods, it is crucial to recognize the signs that indicate there might be a leak in your pool:

1. Consistent water level decrease

If you notice a significant and persistent decrease in your pool's water level, even after considering natural evaporation, it is likely that a leak is present. This observation suggests the need for a thorough investigation to locate and address this potentially costly and damaging leak in the pool.

2. Wet spots around the pool

The presence of persistent wet spots or puddles of water around the pool, especially away from visible plumbing systems, can signal an underground leak. These often-overlooked clues can reveal potentially serious leakage problems that require immediate attention to prevent structural damage and high repair costs.

3. Filter pressure loss

A leak can cause a loss of pressure in your pool's filtration system. If you notice a significant decrease in pressure, this could be an indicator of a leak.

4. Excessive algae growth or changes in water chemistry

Leaks can dilute your pool's chemicals, leading to excessive algae growth or fluctuations in pH and chlorine levels.

5. Deterioration of surrounding structure

An undetected leak over a long period can cause damage to the surrounding structure of the pool, such as cracks in the concrete or ground subsidence.

Identifying a leak in your pool

Now that you are aware of the potential signs of a leak, here are the steps to follow to detect the source of the leak:

1. Perform a bucket test

A simple method is to perform a bucket test by filling a container with water and placing it on one of the pool steps. Mark the water level inside the container and on the pool line. After 24 hours, compare the levels. If the water level in the container has dropped more than that of the pool, there is likely a leak.

2. Use food coloring

Using food coloring can help locate leaks in a pool. Add food coloring to the water around the suspected area. If the dye is sucked into a crack or leak, it will indicate the probable location of the leak.

3. Visual and auditory inspection

Carefully inspect the joints, fittings, and pipes of your pool for obvious signs of leakage, such as cracks or dripping water. Also, listen carefully for any sounds of leaking under pressure.

4. Engage a professional

If you are unsure of your ability to locate the leak yourself, it is recommended to call in a professional pool leak detection specialist. These experts have the specialized equipment necessary to efficiently locate even the smallest leaks.

Early detection and prompt repair of leaks in a swimming pool are imperative to prevent considerable repair costs and lasting structural alterations. By being vigilant about telltale signals and using appropriate detection techniques, you safeguard your investment and ensure years of uninterrupted aquatic enjoyment. For a reliable solution, we recommend Ferber Painting's pool leak stopper, known for its effectiveness in sealing leaks in pools and spas. This easy-to-use, biodegradable, and economical product provides long-lasting action, allowing worry-free swimming just 24 hours after application. Do not delay in acting if you suspect a leak, your pool deserves prompt and professional attention.